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SFCV, the Subsidiary of FTXT, Released High-Power Engine to Show China’s Core Hydrogen Technology
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The 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) was held in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center from November 5 to 10.

According to official statistics, the CIIE is expected to attract more than 500,000 purchasers and professional visitors from home and abroad. As a hot field of industrial development in China and even the world, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have become a highlight of the CIIE. Inside and outside of the auto exhibition area of the CIIE, famous car giants have almost showed the trend of hydrogen energy vehicles, which makes people feel that hydrogen energy is the future of cars.


Since then, the fuel cell engine has been installed on more than 100 fuel cell sightseeing vehicles in Shanghai World Expo 2010 and Shenzhen World University Sports in 2011 to carry out demonstration operation.