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G16 Fuel Cell Stack
Technical Highlights
  • Long lifetime
  • 强系统监测
  • High security level
  • Wide operating temperature range
Long lifetime

It has high voltage consistency and durability up to 10000 hours.


智能化、高精度视觉检测系统 。

High security level

The waterproof and dustproof level meets IP67 and can withstand 25g mechanical shock.Intelligent, high-precision visual monitoring system

Wide operating temperature range

The operating temperature range is 75-90°C (95°C can be tolerated for a short time).

G16 Fuel Cell Stack

The high-power water-cooled fuel cell stack independently developed by FTXT Energy has reached domestic leading and world-class performance indicators, and has complete intellectual property rights, and the localization rate of components is 100%. Based on customer power requirements and usage scenarios, customized development services are provided by FTXT

  • 10000 h
  • -30 °C
    Cold start temperature
  • 4.7 kW/L
    Stack core volume power density
  • 0~600 A
    Current range
  • 273~455 V
    Voltage range
  • 164 kW
    Peak power
  • Application Scenario