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70 MPa high low receptacleHigh
Technical Highlights
  • Wider temperature range.
  • Low leakage rate
  • receptacleHigh durability
Wider temperature range.

The performance has no attenuation in the range of -40 to 120℃ , which is suitable for a wider range of customer application scenarios.

Low leakage rate

Less than 0.6Nml/h, which is one-tenth of the standard leakage rate, far exceeding the requirements of the industry standard.

receptacleHigh durability

 The performance has no attenuation after 25,000 uses, which is twice the standard requirements.

70 MPa high low receptacleHigh

70MPa high flow receptacle, with high filtration accuracy, high flow,long life and other advantages, the comprehensive performance index far exceeds the general standards at home and abroad.

  • ≥ 120 g/s
    Maximum flow rate
  • >25000 cycles
    Cycle life
  • < 320 g
  • 10 μm
    Filter fineness
  • ≤0.6 Ncc/h
    Leakage rate
  • -40~85 °C
    Working temperature
  • 87.5 MPaG
    Maximum working pressure
  • 70 MPaG
    Rated working pressure