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GWM-FTXT and Partners Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement to Promote 900 Hydrogen Vehicles in 2024
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On July 6th, GWM-FTXT, in collaboration with the People's Government of Baoding and subsidiaries of Fortune Global 500 company, Wuchan Zhongda Group Co.,Ltd.,along with other related enterprises, signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement aimed at promoting hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

The agreement clarifies that the consortium will capitalize on the natural resources and policy advantages of Baoding City, integrating their expertise in financial services, high-end manufacturing, and urban operations. With hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as the focal point, the initiative will concentrate on the promotion in urban sanitation and logistics transportation sectors. The plan is to promote 900 hydrogen-powered sanitation vehicles and heavy-duty trucks in 2024, with an ambitious target of 3,000 vehicles in 2025.

The signing of this agreement is a significant step in the close collaboration between the Chinese government and businesses to jointly advance the hydrogen energy industry. It is expected to foster the large-scale production and extensive application of hydrogen-powered sanitation vehicles, offering valuable insights for urban environmental management and shaping a new image for green sanitation. Additionally, it will serve as a reference and benchmark for the growth of China's hydrogen energy and fuel cell industry.