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Policy Applies
Policy Applies

This policy applies only to the products or services of GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT Energy Technology Co.,Ltd (herein after referred to as "GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT" or "We").

If you have any question, comment or suggestion about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the following methods:
 Tel: +86 021-80258039  +86 0312-2196535

The Privacy Policy provides the following content:

1.How we collect and use your personal information

2.How we use Cookie and similar technologies

3.How we share, transfer and disclose publicly your personal information

4.How we protect your personal information

5.Your rights

6.How we process the personal information of children

7.How your personal information is transferred globally

8.How to update the Policy

9.How to contact us

We understand the importance of your personal information and will do our best to protect the security of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abiding by the following principles to protect your personal information: The principles of consistent power and responsibility, clear purpose, confirmation before collection and utilization, collection to the minimum extent as required, ensuring security, subject participation, openness and transparency, and so on. Meanwhile, we undertake to follow the mature security standard of the industry and take appropriate security protection measures to protect your personal information.

Please thoroughly read and understand this Privacy Policy before using our products or services.

I. How we collect and use your personal information

Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or can reflect the activities of a specific natural person separately or in combination with other information.

We collect and use your personal information only for the following purposes specified in the Policy:

1.Make an appointment for test drive service: We will collect your name, contact information (mobile phone number) and provincial/municipal geographic location information.

2.Make an appointment for maintenance service: We will collect your name, contact information (mobile phone number), provincial/municipal geographic location information, vehicle license plate number and current mileage information.

3.Inquiry service: We will collect your name, contact information (mobile phone number) and provincial/municipal geographic location information.

4.Dealer inquiry and service provider inquiry: We will collect your provincial/municipal geographic location information.

5.Contact for our services through international websites: Information of name, contact information (mobile phone number), gender, email, country and region.

In case we intend to use the information for other purposes not stated in this Policy, we will seek your prior consent. In case we intend to use information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, we will seek your prior consent.

II. How We Use Cookie and Similar Technologies

(I) Cookie

To ensure the normal operation of the website, we will store small data files named Cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookie usually contains identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. With cookies, the website can store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping cart.

We will not use Cookies for any purpose other than that stated in this Policy. You may manage or delete these Cookies as you like. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer or mobile phone. Most web browsers have the function of blocking cookies. If you do this, you need to personally change the user settings each time you visit our website.

(II) Website Beacon and Pixel Tag

In addition to Cookies, we will also use other similar technologies such as website beacons and pixel tags on websites. For example, the email or short message sent from us may contain a URL linking to our website content. If you click the link, we will trace this click to learn your preferences for product or service, and improve our customer service. A web beacon is usually a transparent image that is embedded in a website or email. We can learn whether the email is read via pixel tags in an email. If you don't want us to track your activities in this way, you may unsubscribe it from our mailing list at any time.

(III) Do Not Track

Many web browsers have the Do Not Track function, which can issue Do Not Track request to websites. At present, major Internet standards organizations have not yet established policies to specify how websites should respond to such request. But if your browser is enabled with Do Not Track function, then all our websites will respect your choice.

III. How We Share, Transfer and Disclose Publicly Your Personal Information

(I) Share

We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations and individuals other than FTXT, except for the following circumstances:

1. Share with your explicit consent: We will share your personal information with other parties after obtaining your explicit consent.

2. We may share your personal information according to laws and regulations or mandatory requirements of government departments.

3. Share with our subsidiaries: Your personal information may be shared with subsidiaries of FTXT. We will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purpose stated in the Privacy Policy. If any subsidiary changes the purpose of processing personal information, we will ask for your authorization again. Our subsidiaries include FTXT and any company or other entities directly or indirectly controlled by, controlling or under the same control with the aforesaid company through voting equity, shares or otherwise.

4. Share with Dealers. For the purpose stated in this Policy only, we will share your personal information with dealers to provide better customer service and user experience.

5. Share with authorized partners: For the purpose stated in this Policy, some of our services will be provided by the authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, when you purchase our products, we have to share your personal information with the logistics service provider to arrange delivery or arrange partners to provide services. We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and definite purposes, and only share the personal information necessary for service provision. Our partners have no right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.

At present, our authorized partners are as follows:

I) Authorized partners for advertising and analysis services. Unless we have obtained your permission, we will not share your personal identification information (i.e. information through which you can be contacted or identified, such as name or e-mail) with partners providing advertising and analysis services. We will only provide such partners with information related to advertising coverage and effectiveness instead of your personal identification information, or we will summarize all personnel information so that you will not be identified. For example, only after the advertisers agree to abide by our advertising guidelines, will we be able to tell the advertisers the effects of their advertisements, or the number of people seeing the advertisements or installing their applications after seeing the advertisements, or to provide these partners with demographic information (for example, a 25-year-old male located in Beijing who likes software development), which could not tell personal identity, to help them know better of their audiences or customers.

2) Suppliers, service providers and other partners. We will send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business globally in providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing the usage of our services, measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and services, providing customer services, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and investigation.

We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with the companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, to require them to treat personal information in compliance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(II) Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization and individual except for the following circumstances:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: We will transfer your personal information to other parties after obtaining your explicit consent.

2. When transfer of personal information is involved in merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, we will require the new company or organization obtaining your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again.

(III) Public Disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

1. Your explicit consent is obtained.

2. Law-based disclosure: We may publicly disclose your personal information under the circumstances required by laws, legal procedures, lawsuits or competent government departments.

IV. How We protect Your Personal Information

(I) We have taken security protection measures that conform to industry standards to protect the personal information you provide from unauthorized access, public disclosure, usage, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and practical measures to protect your personal information. For example, SSL encipherment protection will be provided for your personal information when data (such as credit card information) is exchanged between your browser and the "Service".We will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data. We will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data. We will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information. We will provide security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We have established a data security and authority management system by implementing an authority authorization system that divides the executable authorities into the smallest particles, distinguishing different authority classes according to the roles of access requirements; implementing the authority authorization system which distinguishes access and execution actions, and dividing personal information access actions into inquiry, modification, cancellation, unbinding and other several specific operation authorities. We will record the application initiation and approval process of access authorities, visitors' login and operation log. We have taken several security technical measures: require visitors to visit through the intranet; establish a hierarchical data management system to encrypt and store sensitive personal information, implement a double backup mechanism for multiple computer rooms; and use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

 (1) We will take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will only reserve your personal information within a period as required for achieving the purpose of this Policy, unless any extension is required or permitted by law.

 (2) We will regularly update and disclose the reports on security risks, personal information security impact assessment and other relevant contents.

(3) The Internet environment is not 100% secure, so we will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If any of your legitimate rights and interests are damaged arising from unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of information due to the damage of our physical, technical or management protection facilities, we will undertake the corresponding legal responsibilities.

(4) In case of any unfortunate personal information security incidents, we will inform you according to the requirements of laws and regulations the basic information and possible impacts of the same, the treatment measures taken or will be taken, suggestions regarding risk prevention and reduction on your own, remedial measures offered to you, etc. We will notify you of the related information by mail, correspondence, telephone, push notification, etc. Where it is difficult for notifying the subject of personal information one by one, we will release corresponding announcements through reasonable and effective methods.

In the meanwhile, we will also take the initiative to report the disposition of personal information security incidents to the regulatory authorities according to their requirements.

V. Your Rights

In accordance with China's relevant laws, regulations and standards, as well as established practices in other countries and regions, we guarantee that you may exercise the following rights on your personal information:

You are entitled to access to your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. You may consult the FTXT's Customer Service Center for relevant questions, or send an email to at any time. We will reply to your request within 30 working days or within the period prescribed by laws and regulations.

(II) Correct your personal information

You are entitled to request us to make corresponding corrections if any personal information processed by us is found to be wrong. You may consult the FTXT's Customer Service Center for relevant questions, or send an email to at any time ,We will reply to your request within 30 working days or within the period prescribed by laws and regulations.

(III) Delete your personal information

In case of the following situations, you may request us to delete your personal information:

1. Where our processing of personal information is against laws or regulations;

2. Where we collect or use your personal information without your consent;

3. Where our processing of personal information violates the agreement with you;

4. Where you no longer use our products or services, or you have canceled your account;

5. Where we no longer provide products or services for you.

If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify the subjects who have obtained your personal information from us and require them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, or except that the said subjects are authorized by you independently.

When your information has been deleted from our services, the corresponding information in the backup system may not be removed immediately, but will be deleted when the backup is updated.

(IV) Change scope of your authorization

It takes some basic personal information to complete each service function (see "Part I" of this Policy). For the collection and use of personal information additionally collected, you can offer or withdraw your authorization at any time.

You may consult the FTXT's Customer Service Center for relevant questions, or send an email to at any time . We will reply to your request within 30 working days after the verification is passed or within the period prescribed by laws and regulations. Once your authorized consent is withdrawn, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw does not affect the previous personal information processing based on your authorization.

If you do not want to receive the commercial advertisement we send to you, you may cancel it at any time by the following means:

You may consult the FTXT's Customer Service Center for relevant questions, or send an email to at any time . We will reply to your request within 30 working days or within the period prescribed by laws and regulations.

(V) Cancellation of account by the subject of personal information

You may cancel your previously registered account by sending an email to at any time. After the account is canceled, we will stop providing you with products or services and delete your personal information as required, unless otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations.

We will not be able to respond to your request according to relevant laws and regulations under the following circumstances:

1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

2. Directly related to public safety, public health and vital public interests;

3. Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment, etc.;

4. Proofed by sufficient evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

5. Seriously prejudicial to your, other individuals' or organizations' legitimate rights and interests if your request is responded; and

6. Related to business secrets.

VI. How we Handle the Personal Information of Children

Our products, sites and services are primarily intended for adults. The children are not allowed to create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians.

For the collection of personal information of children with the consent of parents, we will only use or publicly disclose the same if permitted by law, explicitly agreed by parents or guardians or it is necessary for the protection of children.

Although the term "Children" may be differently defined by local laws and customs, we regard anyone under the age of 14 as a child.

If we find that we have collected the personal information of children without the prior and verifiable consent of the parents, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

VII. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Globally

In principle, the personal information collected and generated by us within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be reserved within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

As we provide products or services through resources and servers all over the world, it implies that after your authorization and consent is obtained, your personal information may be transferred to overseas jurisdictions in the country/region where you use the products or services or, be accessed from such overseas jurisdictions.

Different data protection laws or even no relevant laws may be available in such jurisdictions. If so, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected in the way same as that in the People's Republic of China. For example, we will request your consent to the cross-border transfer of personal information, or implement data de-identification and other security measures before cross-border data transfer.

VIII. How to Update the Policy

Our privacy policy may subject to change,

but without your explicit consent, we will not compromise the rights you are entitled hereunder. We will publish any changes to this Policy on this page.

For significant changes, we will additionally furnish more prominent notices (including that we will send a notice stating the specific changes to the Privacy Policy for certain services via email).

Significant changes referred to herein include but are not limited to:

1. Significant changes to our service mode; e.g., the purpose of processing the personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the way for using the personal information.

2. Significant changes to our ownership structure and organizational structure, etc.; e.g., changes of ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, etc.

3. Changes to main objects that the personal information is shared with, transferred to or publicly disclosed to;

4. Significant changes to your right to participate in the processing of personal information as well as the mode of exercising that right;

5. Changes to the department that is responsible for the personal information security, its contact information and the complaint channel; and

6. The impact assessment report on personal information security indicates a high risk. We will also archive the old version of this Policy for your reference.

IX. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or recommendations about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through one of the following methods:


 Tel: +86 021-80258039  +86 0312-2196535

FTXT, registered address: 2299 Chaoyang South St., Baoding, Hebei Postal code: 071000

Generally, we will reply within thirty days.