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Equipped with GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT Hydrogen Power System! China's First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Marine Vessel Successfully Launched
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On August 25th, China's first hydrogen fuel cell marine vessel, "LIHU WEILAI," was successfully launched.

The "LIHU WEILAI" features an all-aluminum alloy hull, with an overall length of 20.5 meters, a beam of 5.2 meters, a rated capacity of 20 passengers, and a maximum range of 200 nautical miles.

GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT provided a hydrogen power system solution for the vessel, with its independently developed two sets of 110kW class marine fuel cell power generation systems serving as the main power source. The system features a "stacked" design, with a peak efficiency of 58.8%, an output voltage of 450V to 750V, and an enclosure protection level of IP67, meeting the IEC62283 explosion-proof safety requirements, and offers multiple advantages such as high integration, corrosion resistance, and AI intelligent control.

Previously, GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT's marine fuel cell power generation system and marine liquid hydrogen supply system have successively obtained certification from the China Classification Society (CCS).

This time, the "LIHU WEILAI," equipped with the GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT hydrogen power system, was officially launched, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the development of clean energy for marine transportation in China. It also signifies the formal application of the GWM HYDROGEN-FTXT marine fuel cell system, taking another important step in the field of hydrogen-powered vessel applications, providing an important theoretical foundation and practical case for the promotion and demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell vessels in China.